Steven cycling the world

Steady progress

It's hard to make up stories when you haven't experienced something overly special, especially when you pretty much know everything about the country you're in (I've been to France countless times). That means that I'm slow with updating my blog and that the stories aren't very interesting. By the time I reach Spain it'll probably be different!

I visited friends of our family's and stayed here for three days to recover a bit and to figure out how to traverse the Pyrenees. I could've just chosen to pretty much go around them, but I found a border crossing that involves some heavy climbing, though not too much, so I should have some spare energy to speak Spanish (non hablo Español) when I reach the other side. I even have a global plan for Spain! Riding through Aragon I'm going to head south to Valencia, and then pretty much follow the coast line to Gibraltar. What I'll do once (or before) I get there, I don't know, it should take me a month or so. Plenty of time to think about the next stage.

For the next few days I'm going to enjoy the everlasting good weather and the final 'flat' stages before the mountains appear in the horizon!



Maarten Postma

op de valreep: van harte gefeliciteerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula en companie

Lieve Steven, er moet er altijd wel 1 later zijn dan de rest, maar hier is hij dan toch: VAN HARTE GEFELICITEERD MET JE laatste VERJAARDAG. Het is wel uit het oog voorlopig, maar nooit uit het hart.
Veel succes met je bergen ,
liefs Paula

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